Terms of Use

Terms of Use
Welcome to our website located at https://sflix1.com/ (this “site”)! This Site is operated by sflix1 Tech, LLC and/or its affiliates (“we”, “us” and “our”) and permits you to: (a) participate In interactive features that we may make available from time to time through the Site; or (b) merely view this Website (collectively, the “Services”). We have prepared this Terms of Use Agreement (this “Agreement”) to help explain the terms that apply to your use of this Site and the Services. The provisions in these Terms that apply to the Site shall also apply to the Services and the provisions in these Terms that apply to the Services shall also apply to this Site.
In order to use the interactive features on this Site, you must first register with us through the online registration process on this Site. Regardless of how you decide to use this Site, your conduct on this Site and your use of the Services is governed by this Agreement.
You agree to this Agreement by using this Site and/or the Services in any manner. If you do not agree to all of these terms, then do not use this Website.
1. User behavior

This Site may provide forums and other communication features. Please read our privacy policy, available

To understand the protection of your privacy. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, any of your postings or submissions to this site (collectively, “Contributions”). You understand that we may also make the Contributions you submit available to other websites and companies (such as other websites and companies, “the Network”) where they may be used. Any licenses or other granting rights, promises, representations and warranties you make about Contributions in connection with this Site or the Services, you hereby also make in connection with the use of such Contributions through the Network (i.e. wherever you grant a license or grant other rights, or make a promise or representation or warranty, in relation to this Site or the Services, that you give or promise, the representation or warranty is also deemed to apply to the Network). When you create or make a Contribution available, you represent and warrant that:
  1. You own or have sufficient rights to post your Contributions on or through this Site;
  2. You will not post Contributions that violate, or any other Contributions violate, a person’s privacy rights, publicity rights, intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright), confidentiality, or contract rights.
  3. fully comply with any third-party licenses relating to the Contributions, you agree to pay all royalties, fees, and any other monies owed to any person by reason of the Contributions posted by you on or through this Site;
  4. You will not post or submit Contributions that: (i) are defamatory, harmful, disruptive, unlawful, inappropriate, offensive, inaccurate, pornographic, vulgar, indecent, lewd, objectionable, racially or ethnically offensive, obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, Threats, excessive violence, harassment, etc. are unacceptable. (2) incite, encourage, or threaten immediate physical harm against another, including without limitation, contributions that promote racism, bigotry, sexism, religious intolerance, or harm against any group or individual; or (iii) contains material that solicits personal information from anyone under the age of 13 or exploits anyone in a sexual or violent manner;
  5. You will not post or send Contributions that contain advertising or solicitation for anyone to buy or sell products or services (other than ours);
  6. You will not use this Site for any unauthorized purpose including collecting usernames and/or email addresses of other users by electronic or other means for the purpose of sending unsolicited email or other electronic communications, or engaging in the unauthorized framing of this Site or link to it without express written consent;
  7. You will not post or transmit Contributions that constitute, contain, install, attempt to install or promote spyware, malware or other computer code, whether on our Site or on others’ Computers or equipment, intended to enable you or others to collect information about or monitor the online or other activities of another party;
  8. You will not send chain letters, bulk or junk e-mail or interfere with, disrupt, or create an undue burden on this Site or the networks or services connected to this Site, including without limitation hacking this Site or using the system to send e-mails or Unsolicited postings, comments, commercial or other communications; or
  9. You will not impersonate any other person or entity, sell or allow others to use your profile or password, provide false or misleading identification or address information, invade the privacy, or otherwise violate the personal or proprietary rights of any person or entity.
3. Grant a license to us for Contributions
We do not claim any ownership rights in the Contributions you post on or through this Site. After posting your Contributions to this Site, you continue to retain any rights you may have in your Contributions, including any intellectual property or other proprietary rights associated with your Contributions, subject to the license you grant to us below.
By contributing to this site, you grant us a perpetual, non-exclusive (meaning that you are free to license your contribution to anyone else in addition to us), fully paid, and royalty-free (meaning that neither we nor anyone directly or indirectly receiving your contribution is required to From us to pay you for the use of your Contribution), sublicensable (so that we can distribute Contributions to third parties, regardless of whether through this Site, through our other products, or through other sites or products offered by our affiliates )) and global (because the Internet and this site are accessible to everyone) License to use, modify, create derivative works, publicly perform, display, contribute, reproduce and distribute publicly Connect to this site and other websites and companies, or promote them in any media format and through any known media channels Now or innovate later.
If you provide us with any feedback (such as suggested improvements, corrections etc.) about the Site or Services (“ Feedback ”), you assign all right, title and interest in such Feedback to us and you acknowledge that we will be entitled to use, including Without limitation, implementing and exploiting any such Feedback in any way without any restriction or liability. You further acknowledge and agree that we are under no obligation to act on such Feedback.
4. We grant you a license to use the Contributions for personal, non-commercial purposes
4.1 License.
We grant you a non-exclusive license to use and copy other users’ Contributions are made solely for personal, non-commercial purposes, subject to the restrictions set forth herein.
4.2 License Restrictions.
4.2.1 Keep IP Notifications. If you download, copy or print a copy of the Materials (as defined in Section 6 below) for your own personal use, you must retain all trademark, copyright and other proprietary notices contained in and on the Materials.
4.2.2 Do not circumvent intellectual property protection mechanisms. You may not either directly or through the use of any device, software, Internet site, web-based service or other means remove, alter, bypass, avoid, interfere with or circumvent any copyright, trademark, or other notices Privileged ownership over the Contributions or any digital rights management mechanism, device, or other content protection or access control measure associated with the Contributions or the Site.
4.2.3 No unauthorized copying, broadcasting or screen scraping. You may not either directly or through the use of any Device, copy, download, reproduce, copy, archive, distribute, upload, publish, modify, translate, broadcast, perform , display, sell, transfer, rent, sublicense, transmit or retransmit Contributions except as permitted in Section 4.1.
4.2.4 No indexing. Furthermore, you may not create, re-create, distribute or advertise an index of any Contributions unless authorized in writing by us.
4.2.5 No commercial use of contributions. You may not build a business using contributions, whether for profit or not. Contributions covered by these restrictions include, but are not limited to, any text, graphics, layout, interface, logos, photographs, audio, video material, and still images.
4.2.6 No Derivative Works. Additionally, you are strictly prohibited from creating derivative works or materials that are otherwise derived from or based in any way on the Contributions, including montages, wallpaper, desktop themes, greeting cards, and merchandise, unless expressly permitted by us in writing. . This prohibition applies even if you intend to give away the derivative materials for free.
5. Use and protect the account number and password
We may ask you to create a user name and password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account number and password, if applicable. You are responsible for all uses of your account, whether or not actually or expressly authorized by you. When using the Site or Services we ask that you use the Site and/or Services in a reasonable manner that does not adversely affect the ability of other users to use the Site or Services.
6. Our Intellectual Property Rights
The content on this Site (“Materials”) and the trademarks, service marks and logos contained on this Site (“Marks”) are owned by or licensed to us and are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights under United States and foreign laws. and international agreements. We reserve all rights not expressly granted in this Site and the Materials. You agree that you will not circumvent, disable, or otherwise interfere with security-related features of this Site or features that: (a) prevent or restrict the use or copying of any Materials or (b) enforce limitations on the use of this Site or the Materials on this Site. You also agree not to access this Site by any means other than through the interface we provide, unless otherwise specifically authorized by us in a separate written agreement.
7. Our administration of this website/user misconduct
7.1 Managing our website. We may, but are not required to: (a) monitor or review this Site for violations of this Agreement and for compliance with our policies; (b) report to law enforcement authorities and/or take legal action against anyone who violates this Agreement; (c) refuse or restrict access to or availability, or remove or disable any Contribution or any part thereof without prior notice to you and/or (d) manage this Site in a manner designed to protect our and third parties’ rights and property or to facilitate the proper functioning of this website.
7.2 Our right to terminate users. Without limiting other provisions of this Agreement, we reserve the right in our sole discretion and without notice or liability to deny access to and use of this Site to anyone for any reason or no reason at all, including without limitation for breach of any warranty, representation or covenant contained herein. This Agreement, or any applicable law or regulations.
7.3 Risk of damage. Please note that there are risks, including but not limited to risks of physical harm, and exposure to strangers, including people who may act under false pretenses. Please carefully choose the information you post on this Site and that you provide to other Site users. You do not encourage the public posting of your full name, phone numbers, street addresses, or other information that identifies you or allows strangers to find you or steal your identity. Notwithstanding this prohibition, other people’s information may be offensive, harmful or inaccurate, and in some cases it will be mislabeled or mislabeled. You bear all risks associated with dealing with other users with whom you communicate through this site. We expect you to exercise caution and common sense when using this Site.
8. Copyright Policy
You are solely responsible for the content, including but not limited to photos, profile information, messages, search result edits and other content that you upload, post or display (hereinafter referred to as “submit”) on or through the Service, Or send to or share with other users. You may not submit Content to the Service that you did not create or that you do not have permission to submit. To submit requests to search results pages, you may not submit content that is not compatible with the license used by a particular project of the Service. You understand and agree that others may, but are not obligated to, edit, delete or remove (without notice) any Content from the Service, for any or no reason. You are solely responsible for the cost and expense of creating backup copies of and replacing any Content that you post or store on the Service or provide to the Company.
When you post Content to the Site, you authorize and direct us to make such copies as we deem necessary in order to facilitate the posting and storage of the Content on the Site.
Copyright infringement claims
For claims of copyright infringement, please contact our DMCA Agent:
9. Amendments
The Internet and technology are changing rapidly. Accordingly, we may amend this Agreement from time to time without notice and it is your responsibility to read it carefully and review any changes that may be made. Since changes will be posted on this page, we encourage you to check this page regularly. Your continued use of this Site or the Services constitutes your acceptance of such modifications.
10. Non-commercial use by users
The Site is made available to you only for your personal use and you may not use the Site or any Contributions or related materials in connection with any commercial endeavors except those specifically approved by us in writing.
7.3 Risk of damage. Please note that there are risks, including but not limited to risks of physical harm, and exposure to strangers, including people who may act under false pretenses. Please carefully choose the information you post on this Site and that you provide to other Site users. You do not encourage the public posting of your full name, phone numbers, street addresses, or other information that identifies you or allows strangers to find you or steal your identity. Notwithstanding this prohibition, other people’s information may be offensive, harmful or inaccurate, and in some cases it will be mislabeled or mislabeled. You bear all risks associated with dealing with other users with whom you communicate through this site. We expect you to exercise caution and common sense when using this Site.
8. Copyright Policy
You are solely responsible for the content, including but not limited to photos, profile information, messages, search result edits and other content that you upload, post or display (hereinafter referred to as “submit”) on or through the Service, Or send to or share with other users. You may not submit Content to the Service that you did not create or that you do not have permission to submit. To submit requests to search results pages, you may not submit content that is not compatible with the license used by a particular project of the Service. You understand and agree that others may, but are not obligated to, edit, delete or remove (without notice) any Content from the Service, for any or no reason. You are solely responsible for the cost and expense of creating backup copies of and replacing any Content that you post or store on the Service or provide to the Company.
When you post Content to the Site, you authorize and direct us to make such copies as we deem necessary in order to facilitate the posting and storage of the Content on the Site.
Copyright infringement claims
For claims of copyright infringement, please contact our DMCA Agent:
9. Amendments
The Internet and technology are changing rapidly. Accordingly, we may amend this Agreement from time to time without notice and it is your responsibility to read it carefully and review any changes that may be made. Since changes will be posted on this page, we encourage you to check this page regularly. Your continued use of this Site or the Services constitutes your acceptance of such modifications.
10. Non-commercial use by users
The Site is made available to you only for your personal use and you may not use the Site or any Contributions or related materials in connection with any commercial endeavors except those specifically approved by us in writing.
11. Third Party Websites
This website may contain links to other websites (“third party websites”). We do not own or operate the third-party websites, and we have not reviewed all of the materials, including goods or services, made available through the third-party websites. The availability of such links on this website does not represent, warrant or imply that we endorse any third-party websites or any materials, opinions, goods or services available on them. Third Party Materials accessed through Third Party Sites or used by Third Party Sites may also be protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. This Agreement does not apply to third party sites. Before visiting a third party site via the means of this Site or any link contained on this Site, users should review the third party site’s terms and conditions, privacy policy and all other sites’ documentation, and inform themselves of the regulations, policies and practices of such third party sites.
12. Disputes between users
You alone are responsible for your behavior. You agree that we cannot be responsible for any dispute arising between you and any other user.
We may run advertisements and promotions from third parties on the Site. Your correspondence or business dealings with, or participation in promotions of, advertisers other than us found on or through the Site, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such advertiser. We shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as the result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of such advertisers on the Site.
By using the Service, you agree that the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflicts of laws, will govern these Terms of Use and any dispute of any kind arising between you and us (or any of our affiliates). You agree not to commence or prosecute any action with respect to your use of these Services other than in the state and federal courts located in Santa Clara County, California, and you hereby consent to and waive all defenses of lack of personal jurisdiction and forum non conveniens with respect to venue. and jurisdiction in the California state and federal courts. Convention on the International Sale of Goods may not apply.
14. Disclaimer
All Contributions or any other materials or items made available through this Site are provided by us. As it is ” ” Subject to availability ” Without warranty or conditions of any kind. By operating this Site, we do not represent or imply that we endorse any Contributions or any other materials or items available on or linked to this Site, including without limitation, content hosted on third party websites, or Those sites believe that the Contributions or any other materials or items are accurate, useful or non-harmful. We cannot guarantee and do not promise anything specific results from the use of this website. NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED BY YOU FROM US OR FROM THIS SITE SHALL CREATE ANY WARRANTY NOT EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. You agree that your use of this Site and the Services will be at your sole risk. We do not guarantee that the Site or Services will be available for use, and we make no warranties as to the quality of the Site, Services or Content. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we and each of our advertisers, licensors, suppliers, officers, directors, investors, employees, agents, service providers and other contractors disclaim all warranties, express or implied, in connection with this site and your use there.
17.5 Non-Waiver. Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of such right or provision.
17.6 Severability. This Agreement applies to the fullest extent permitted by law. If any provision or part of a provision of this agreement is deemed unlawful, void, or unenforceable, the provision or part of the provision will be deemed severable from this agreement and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
17.7 Waiver. You may not assign your rights under this Agreement to any third party; We may assign our rights under this Agreement without condition.
17.8 Notices. Any notice given to you under this Agreement may be sent by email, post or other reasonable means to the contact information you provide to sflix1.com from time to time. It is your duty to ensure that this information is up to date. Please send any notices to TiVo Platform Technologies, LLC at 2160 Gold Street, San Jose, CA 95002 and email [email protected]
This Agreement was last updated on: July 26, 2022.
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